1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University

Hematopoiesis Remains Permissive to Bone Marrow Transplantation After Expansion of Progenitors and Resumption of Blood Cell Production.
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Altered erythro-myeloid progenitor cells are highly expanded in intensively regenerating hematopoiesis.
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Regenerating haematopoiesis resembles embryonic stem cell-independent haematopoiesis.[in czech only]
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T-lymphopoiesis is Severely Compromised in Ubiquitin-Green Fluorescent Protein Transgenic Mice
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Current understanding of the haematopoietic tissue. [PDF in czech only]
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Cell Cycle Analysis Using In Vivo Staining of DNA-Synthesizing Cells.
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Stem Cell Defect in Ubiquitin-Green Fluorescent Protein Mice Facilitates Engraftment of Lymphoid-Primed Hematopoietic Stem Cells.
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Cell cycle and differentiation of Sca-1 + and Sca-1 − hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.
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Low c-Kit Expression Level Induced by Stem Cell Factor Does Not Compromise Transplantation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells.
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B- lymphopoiesis gains sensitivity to subsequent inhibition by estrogens during final phase of fetal development.
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Hematopoietic stem cells survive circulation arrest and reconstitute hematopoiesis in myeloablated mice.
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Cadaveric bone marrow as potential source of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation.
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The late-stage foetal liver microenvironment is essential for later sensitivity of B-lymphopoiesis to suppression by oestrogens.
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Protein kinases, their function and implication in cancer and other diseases.
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Early fetal liver readily repopulates B lymphopoiesis in adult bone marrow.
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Response of hematopoiesis to cyclophosphamide follows highly specific patterns in bone marrow and spleen. 
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Cytokine gene expression in regenerating haematopoietic tissues of mice after cyclophosphamide treatment.
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Expression of genes regulating angiogenesis in human circulating hematopoietic cord blood CD34+/CD133+ cells.
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Response of hematopoiesis to cyclophosphamide follows highly specific patterns in bone marrow and spleen.
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